LCJE ICC Meeting in Jerusalem

Submitted By Tuvya Zaretsky

The International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) met in Jerusalem on Tuesday 24 January 2006. Beside the ordinary business of approving meeting minutes and financial statements the ICC devoted ample time to the affairs of the LCJE network.

The ICC is an elected body of four people who serve the administrative interests of the LCJE. Our hard working International Coordinator, Kai Kjær-Hansen, prepares a thorough agenda for the meeting. The ICC president, that is me, merely presides at the meeting. The two other Coordinating Committee members filling out the working team are Derek Leman and Lisa Loden. Bodil Skjøtt serves the Committee as secretary. All donate their time to the ICC, except the International Coordinator who receives a modest reimbursement for the significant effort that he invests in the welfare of the LCJE.

The financial statements of the LCJE are published in the BULLETIN, and they are submitted to the ICC along with State Authorized Auditor's Reports attached. So, there is good accountability. The LCJE membership should know that the 2004 and 2005

Financial Statements were approved by the ICC with a commendation to the International Coordinator for his excellent stewardship of all network funds.

There was a report on the activity of the various regional LCJE network activities. Lisa Loden has taken on the effort to convene a small meeting for the LCJE members in Israel anytime before the middle of next year. Let us all pray for the success of her efforts to bring like-minded servants of the Lord together.

The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism regularly solicits prayer on behalf of various network groups. Tuvya has been coordinating prayer requests on behalf of the LCJE for that purpose. Area coordinators are welcome to send him matters for prayer to pass along for the LCWE quarterly prayer bulletin.

The Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) #60 on Jewish Evangelism that was produced at the LCWE Forum in Thailand during 2004 will shortly be available in a 3 volume set published by the William Carey Library. Kai reported that the Jewish evangelism LOP has been translated into German and will soon be available. Translations of it in French and Russian are also being prepared.

The ICC considered a proposal at their Toronto meeting in 2004 to utilize the statement "Networking Jewish Evangelism" as a clarification for LCJE. After good discussion it was agreed that those three words could be added for clarification in written LCJE documents. This is not offered as a name change for the network, but merely as a statement for clarification.

The dates for the eighth international meeting of the LCJE have been fixed for 9-14 August 2007. The location is at the Hotel Agro in Budapest, Hungary. Information about the hotel is available at www. It is important that all members planning to attend the eighth international meeting are requested to register on-line at the LCJE website. We have been asked to confirm housing early. Please pray for the planning committee as it prepares the program and send out invitations to prospective speakers. Please pray especially for our International Coordinator, Kai, as he has the major share of this burden. Preliminary plans for the next international look very good.

Respectfully submitted
Tuvya Zaretsky
for the International Coordinating Committee