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“Converted Jews Protest.” New York Times, January 4, 1897.


It Will Be Presented to the Presbytery by Dr. Hall.

One Hundred converted Jews of this city have signed a protest, to be presented to the New York Presbytery, in relation to Hermann Warszawiak, whom that body refused to ordain. The protest will be presented at the next meeting of the Presbytery by the Rev. Dr. John Hall.

According to the protest the signers have been under Mr. Warszawiak's guidance and teaching, and always found him faithful and untiring in his efforts. Through his marve1ous power as a preacher he had led many members of the Hebrew race and kindred to Christ. To that task he had addressed himself with a courage that enabled him to bear with fortitude persistent persecution and assaults of many of his own race, but it was both to him and his pupils a cause of surprise and genuine sorrow that he should have been subjected to persecution and attack by Christians also, from whom only brotherly love and kindness were due.

“We feel that by the action of the Presbytery,” it is said in the protest, “we, together with our beloved teacher, have been denied the precious privilege of entering into closer Christian relationship with many to whom we had looked forward for profitable spiritual companionship. Against the cruelty and injustice of this we are surely entitled to protest, but we trust that the loss of this privilege may yet, in God's providence, be transformed into a rich and beneficent experience both to our teacher and ourselves.”